Blessed2Bless Curriculum
In B2B Groups we use the Blessed2Bless booklet as a starting place, and each B2B group is encouraged to go through the Blessed2Bless study once a year. However, since B2B groups are open ended Bible studies each group can choose to study scripture together as led by the Holy Spirit. Options would include a chapter by chapter study of the Bible or topical studies from the B2B Lesson Library.
The Blessed2Bless Book
The Blessed2Bless Curriculum is a two-part, 10 Lesson (10 Week) Bible study for experienced Christian businesspeople B2B_Front_Thumbnailand aspiring entrepreneurs alike. The first part of the study focuses on developing a biblical understanding of Kingdom business and life purpose. The second half of the study focuses on applying biblical principles to the process of starting or or running a business.
The study is designed specifically as a small group study and is used in the equipping track for B2B Groups. The study is also excellent for business focused Sunday school classes, business small groups and self study.
B2B Lesson Library
The B2B Lesson Library is a resource for B2B Group leaders. It is a collection of topical lessons that you are free to use during the first hour Bible study in your B2B group. Each lesson is downloadable, printable and follows a specific template.
Group Leader Equipping
We are currently holding ad hoc equipping and training sessions for B2B Group Leaders. In our next stage of development we anticipate regular regional equipping gatherings. Click here, If you are interested in becoming a group leader or starting a B2B Group.